Time to get to work…

Not a lot to say this week other than I am about to start rewriting. I need to finish editing the short story I am currently working on and then it will be full steam ahead on the novel.


I think all the alpha readers who were going to reply to the questionnaire have done so already.

As rewriting looms I find myself stressing about different things:

          Will I ruin the story I have so far by rewrites?

          All the “advice” I read about for writing/editing makes me wonder if I really know what I am doing.

          Will I have the time to rewrite it the proper way? How long should it take to rewrite?


I don’t really have the answers for these questions and thoughts at the moment. I feel only sitting down to start rewriting will actually bring any relief. This last weekend I have been thinking about how to put in a little more characterization in the minor characters, despite the story really just following the main protagonist. I feel that even though the story is not really about them, they should still be given room to grow a little bit or for their character to show.


My other hobbies will have to take a backseat to writing again.


I’ve also been giving some thought this weekend to the difference between story and plot and how it works into my novel.


I will also be sending out my short story to alpha readers this week once I finish editing it so check your junk mail (that’s usually where it ends up.)

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