The light at the end of the tunnel is nearing

Well it’s been a busy week and this article will be pretty short. On the writing front managed to get about 4000 words down. Almost halfway through the last chapter and then it will be rewrite time.


Someone in my writing workshop group suggested a writing blog I hadn’t heard of before so I made the mistake of trying to check it out. The blog itself was interesting enough but then I made the mistake of actually reading the articles.


Why was this a mistake? Well I had read quite a few books on writing before I started working on my novel. Reading over a litany of what to do and what not to do when almost done a writing project raises a bunch of self-doubt as you start trying to track if you are doing everything right.


So I stopped reading the blog. There were some interesting articles and I will go back once I am between projects but for now I want to focus on my own writing.


The big news then is that I’m closing in on the end of the first draft. I have a list of about 42 things I need to do fix/change/rewrite before the draft is what I deem readable for my alpha readers.


I have not decided if I will go straight into rewriting or take a short break and get out a short story I have in mind.


I guess we will find out together.




  1. Stick to your process for now bud, you’ve got it sorted. Afterwards read that blog and see if you want to incorporate any of it to tweak your process. Novels don’t write themselves and unless you pick up a pen it will never get anywhere. The worst thing you can do on any project in any field is overthink it all. At some point you just have to get started on the lot and keep going or its and endless cycle of self doubt, reinventing and starting over with never an end in sight.

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