And we’re back again!!!

Hey everyone,
Holiday is finally over and it’s back to the grindstone. The grindstone being work, of course, not the blog. Quick recap of the holidays: spent a week visiting in-laws then another week back in Shanghai relaxing. Did a little driving practice for my upcoming test, had dinner with the folks, all in all stayed busy. Managed to get another chapter done and finished the outline for the last two chapters so hopefully will get those done in a week or two and then it’s time for rewrites. Huzzah!!!

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The ending not written

Well as I thought, I was not able to really get any writing done this week. The most I was able to do was rewrite the end of the last chapter a little bit to better set up the following one. I also made the scene list for the next chapter and spent some time thinking about it.

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Busy busy busy!!!

I’m afraid this week I only managed to get 1500 words done this week. The good news is that I finished a chapter so the next chapter will have the climax and then I will be close to finishing the first draft. The problem is that I will need to think a bit on this next chapter as I know how it ends but I am not quite sure how I am going to get there other than knowing what the main character needs to do to get to the end I envision. Read More…

Real life > writing

This will be a shorter post than normal since I don’t really have that much to report. I got down about 4000 words last week. Had my birthday and some extra work that took time away from writing. Thanks to everyone who sent well wishes.

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Give the reader what they want

Hey everyone,

I had thought about writing an article about the new Starwars movie (which  I finally saw yesterday) as an exercise in storytelling but that would take a whole post and I want to stay focused on writing. I will talk about the novel I read last week (I can call reading novels research now, Huzzah) though.

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Happy Holidays!!!

Hey everyone,

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I’ll be taking a break from blog until after the new year so I’ll see you all in 2018.


When less is more

A friend of mine had their birthday this week so I sent her a “Happy Birthday!!!” message. Their reply was “one year wiser.” My first thought on hearing this was “are you really?” In her case I would say yes, but it isn’t always the case especially in writing. More is not always better.

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