Daily life in the coronavirus epidemic

8:00 am: Force myself to get up. Last couple days have seen my wake up time slipping later and later and I don’t like it as it eats into my morning.

8:30 am: Start my daily High Intensity Interval Training exercises. Doing four or five sets which should take up about twenty minutes.

9:00 am: My wife is still sleeping so no coffee yet since she’s our official coffee maker. Today I don’t have any official work for my online Masters so I check the forums. No one else has posted anything yet so I don’t have anything to comment on so I start getting some reading done.

10:30 am: My wife finally comes in with coffee.

11:30 am: Got to a good stopping point so switch over to writing. Two to three hours is the maximum productive time for studies until my brain starts glazing over. If I’m working on an actual assignment though I’ll usually keep going till its done. Working on the second scene in chapter seven of my dark fantasy novel. I’m not quite sure where it’s going. The story has kind of veered off from my original plan and I’m not sure what the end, for this book at least will be. There’s a few possibilities and I’ll see what seems to flow naturally from everything that’s come before when it gets to that point.

1:00 pm: Finish my daily goal of two thousand words. Could probably go longer but I’ve found that its better long term if I just stick to my daily goal as I’ll have something to start with tomorrow. Now that I’ve gotten my productive part of the day done, time to relax.

Skip lunch because of intermitting fasting. Time to do daily bounties in Diablo 3 and daily scan of home system in eve online.

4:00 pm: Pause current game of the moment, Dragon Age: Inquisition and whatever movie or youtube video is playing on my laptop, to take out tonight’s meat from the freezer. We’re having chicken tonight. I also tell my wife to put the rice on since that’s her contribution to dinner and it will take her a while to get around to it.

5:00 pm: Start cooking dinner. My wife can’t cook except for the occasional meal so I usually cook every day. Some day’s I’ll do something more involved like making pizza from scratch, including the dough. Today I’ll just be doing chicken and broccoli for one dish and egg and mushroom. My wife still hasn’t put on the rice so ask her nicely to do it again.

6:00 pm: Waiting on rice now which finally finishes. We sit down together to eat. My wife is bored from sitting around watching Chinese TV series all day. I tell her to get a hobby.

6:30 pm: Tonight is a trash night so I suit up with a mask and take out the trash. Don’t run into anyone else in elevator and I make sure to stay a few meters from everyone else. Garbarge collectors still have to work since they are doing an essential job. When I come back in, my wife helps me take off my outer clothes and stores them in the designed area. She also watches to make sure I wash my hands.

7:00 pm: Start playing Dragon Age and check to see if anyone from my gaming community is online on discord.

9:00 pm: Finish playing Dragon age for the night and switch over to Eve online for an hour.

10:00 pm: Wrap up gaming and head off to take a shower and spend the rest of the evening with my wife.

11:30 pm: Wife finally stops talking and we get to sleep. While falling asleep, I plan out the story for tomorrow’s writing.

To be honest, my day is pretty full. Not sure how I manage to normally fit in a nine to five job. I can happily stay home every day as long as I have projects to work on. Not getting a salary is the annoying part. If I can ever transition to writing fulltime, this is basically how I’ll live. I feel sorry for the people who feel they have to go out every day. They are not having fun at the moment. As my wife said, nerds in China are having a good time right now. Apparently there’s been a surge in zombie computer and video games popularity. Go figure right?

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