The holiday approaches

This last week has been quite hectic but not without its good side. France did move get into the World Cup quarterfinals after all.


I’m not really a very nationalistic person or into sports. I almost never watch sports but I do make an exception for the world cup. Maybe something about it being between countries rather than clubs makes it mean more. In any case, while I won’t care that much if France loses, I’m happy enough to go along with the general euphoria while they are winning.


I’ve managed to get through most of the lesson planning and class preparation for August. There’s a little bit more to go through but I feel confident I can wrap it up this week. I should be back to my usual allotments of free time next week before my two week holiday. My oldest class will be graduating this week so I’m having to memorize little bits of speeches for the ceremony. Last week I also started going to the gym regularly for about two hours a day after work. As you can imagine, this cuts into my free time but it is a higher priority for me at the moment. My WoW project is progressing and should be wrapped up before the holiday, all of which is leading to my being good to go for writing once I get back from Europe. If I have time next week, I will do a rewrite/edit of my short story before possibly submitting it.


It’s a bit of a cold war in the office at the moment. My coworker feels I was selfish when I didn’t do her a favor by covering for her when she started slacking off in her work. Her logic is that since she has been doing her job this whole year, she should have been cut some slack and that I was selfish when instead of covering for her I pointed out that she wasn’t doing her job and rearranged the workload so that I wouldn’t be affected by it. I will help people who ask me for help and sometimes even if they don’t ask. This particular coworker I helped out quite a bit when she first started working for our company, when she was in debt with no money, but apparently I haven’t done enough for her lately. I don’t go around trying to find out why people aren’t doing the work they are being paid too. I draw a line between personal life and professional life. Anyone who knows me knows that I always expect people to do the job they are being paid for or have agreed to do but apparently some people don’t feel the same way or maybe they do since she’s now cut me off her social media. In point of fact, our new arrangement has her doing even less than she did before but she still calls me selfish for not doing her a favor. How entitled do you have to be to call someone selfish because they didn’t do you a favor?


This weekend I have been watching a You tube channel by someone who lives in Shenzhen about life in China. The channel is quite interesting and I recommend you checking out “Serpentza” and “ADVCHINA” I think it is called. What I found more interesting than most of the content about China was the video where he talked about how he had built up his channel to the point where he gets to do what he wants to do for work. I will be thinking over this coming holiday about the things I would like to do in this upcoming year, especially concerning this blog and writing.

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