Shoutout to Pauline

Despite saying I would take a week off from writing, I have in fact started work on the rewrite for my first chapter.


In case you are wondering, for me rewrite does not mean that I am writing a whole chapter from scratch. It is more like I am going over the scenes I’ve written, attaching them together with transitions, occasionally putting in a new scene and in general making sure that the whole novel flows smoothly together.


This morning in between snooze buttons, I figured out how to make my upcoming short story work. I’d made a scene list a few months ago but my quandary was that it was meant to be a short story. I couldn’t see how it could be shorter and still cover the essential bits of the story. This morning though, as I was waiting for my alarm to go off again, it came to me so hopefully the story will go smoothly once I start writing it.


I’ve been working on a project in eve online this week so I haven’t really had time to read anything. Also I have a distinct lack of good books to read at the moment. It seems all the authors I follow are taking their sweet time in putting out their next book. While I can understand that up to a point, as I know from experience that it takes time to write, if that is your “job” that you make a living from, you would think they would type a bit faster. I feel that for a lot of writers the more famous and well-known they get the less they write. Either because they have more things taking up their time or they feel more pressure to put out the next good book. I guess it’s one of those things you can only really understand once you are actually in that position.


Critic’s corner: So the only new story I saw this week was the new Pacific Rim movie. It was alright. There were some characters I liked. I just hate how you are forced to suspend your knowledge of physics or how little things like oxygen work in order to go along with the story.


This is a short post since not much else on the writing front happened this week but hopefully I will get back to work this week and have more to say in the weeks to come. Happy Birthday to my sister Pauline of course!!!


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