Rewrite halfway done.

So I’ve managed to get through all the chapters except for the last two. The remaining ones should go pretty quick as they were already written in chapter format.


Next up will be going over the whole draft and fixing the little details. My hope is that this doesn’t take more than a week or two. I will post the stats for the new draft once I have them and compare it with the original.



Critic’s corner: We went to see Spielberg’s new movie “Ready Player One” on Saturday. It was pretty fun. As a gamer it was pretty fun. Kind of like an almost modern day version of Tron though the story is a little different. They didn’t quite get how gamers are these days. Most gamers have a saying “real life comes first.” This means that nowadays most gamers are aware that it is just a game. Of course we still enjoy playing and if we have the time then we do, but we take care of what we need to do in real life and if we don’t have time to play we wait till the next time. It is a hobby after all.


Non-gamers will often laugh at gamers reactions to being interrupted and the frustration they show. The fact is that it is a simple reaction to the brain’s anticipation center. The easiest way to explain to a non gamer would be if you were about to eat a food you enjoy and someone slaps it out of your hand as you are taking a bite.


That being said, if you are in a certain demographic nowadays and you don’t game at all, well I’m not going to say you’re strange if you don’t game because people have a right to have whatever hobby they want, but the norm nowadays is to game more than not game. And if you’re just doing a game of solitaire in the metro while commuting to work, you’re still gaming.  


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