Psyching up for the first rewrite

So I’ve now received feedback from most of the alpha readers. I have a list of about forty things to change or keep in mind while rewriting and editing. During my preparation to start rewriting and editing, I found a blog with this list of common writing mistakes. I am reposting the list here as I will be keeping all these points in mind as I rewrite and edit.


In order to not overload my mind, I’ve limited myself to reading only twenty of these blog posts a day. I’m sure I’ll be referring to them a lot once I start rewriting and even more once I’m editing.


1.       Telling not showing

2.       Using “there” as a crutch

3.       Poor cause and effect

4.       Vague writing

5.       Not using speaker tags or action beats correctly

6.       Overpowering first person narrator

7.       Opening line lying to the reader       

8.       Stylistic mistakes

9.       Nothing happening in a scene

10.   Character overload

11.   Giving readers the wrong impression of your characters

12.   Flabby flashbacks

13.   Too much explanation

14.   Vanishing setting syndrome

15.   Non-reactive or Over-reactive

16.   Not enough tension

17.   Characters who lack purpose

18.   Skipping the best parts of the Story

19.   Overusing “suddenly.”

20.   Poor use of dialect in dialogue

21.   Over-explaining

22.   Scenes that focus on what isn’t happening

23.   Overly complex prose

24.   Animate body parts

25.   Characters who lack solid story goals

26.   Under-explaining

27.   Weak Character voice

28.   Choppy prose

29.   Stories that begin too early

30.   Nonsensical character choreography

31.   One-dimensional conflict

32.   Boring opening lines

33.   Telling important scenes instead of showing

34.   Repetitive dialogue

35.   Random story elements

36.   Too much introspection, not enough interaction

37.   Unnecessary filler

38.   Irrelevant book endings

39.   Referencing characters by title rather than name

40.   Unnecessary scenes

41.   Inferring non-pov characters’ thoughts

42.   When your story stakes aren’t high enough

43.   Too many exclamation points

44.   Too many participle phrases

45.   Avoiding “said”

46.   Anticlimactic endings

47.   Ineffective setting descriptions

48.   No conflict between characters

49.   Weak conjunctions

50.   Info dumps

51.   One-dimensional characters

52.   Stagnant story conflict

53.   No contractions in dialogue

54.   Story events that don’t move the plot

55.   Beginning your story too late

56.   Unfulfilled foreshadowing

57.   Dead-end relationships

58.   Too much description

59.   Overly complex plots

60.   Flat plots

61.   Clunky dialogue

62.   Head-hopping

63.   Purple prose

64.   POV problems



If you want to see a detailed explanation of what each point contains, head over to

Feedback from alpha readers has been mostly positive. The greater part enjoyed the story, which is the most important though one alpha reader did call it trite. Well we can’t all write political manifestos. One alpha reader even dreamed about it and thought it was a Netflix series only to be disappointed to remember it was just one book. A few have even asked about the sequel. I do have some ideas for that but have to get through the rewrite first. A big thank you to everyone who participated in the alpha read and sent in their questionnaires. I will probably try to finish the short story I’m working on before diving into the rewrite.

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