Enter the summer doldrums

Well time to write has been short this last week. I’m about halfway through a new scene for chapter two. I’m writing this new scene in response to alpha feedback.

 So some of my alpha readers felt the opening chapters were a bit slow moving so I am adding a new scene in chapter two that will change that. The new scene will also have an effect on the rest of the story so it’s going a bit slow as it has to be done right. This takes a bit longer than the usual edit/rewrite of a chapter as I need a good few hours to write out the whole scene.


I’ve also been busy at work with the end of the semester. Summer holiday is coming up in three weeks so I’ve been working on end of year things as well as prepping for the next school year. Fortunately with the way we’ve been prepping for the new school year, I should have very little to do at work besides actual classes so will have time to write. Someone told me yesterday how there are happy with their work because it’s keeping them busy. This is the opposite of how I feel. If I want to grow as a person, I’ll do it in ways that I feel is best for me not for my job. Ergo, I want my job to be as smooth and easy as possible and I’ve worked hard to make this the case. Next year should be the fulfillment of this year’s efforts.


Also this week my World of Warcraft esports team has called it quits for the season till the next expansion in August which gives me two free nights a week where I could eventually get some writing in. I say eventually because I do have some other time sensitive projects in WoW that I need to finish over the next few weeks. You might wonder why I’m not devoting all my time to writing. The simple fact is that until I actually get paid for something I’ve written it is just a hobby, which has to share my schedule with other hobbies. I have three hobbies after actual work and other more important things (i.e learning Chinese.) Writing, Wow and eve online. Eve online is nothing pressing and on a regular schedule and WoW is winding down in a week or two so writing will move up. Reading is also a hobby but I don’t have any book I am reading at the moment and I usually read during my commute to work and back instead of when I’m sitting down at my desk.


In any case, as I can fit it in, I will work it rewriting/editing my novel. The list of things to keep in mind to rewrite/edit has been made so it is just a matter of going over it once I get this scene done. I’ll be going to Europe for the last two weeks of July so writing will probably slow down a bit while I’m visiting friends and family but you never know. I might just be that bored in Europe.

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